Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to Make Straight Hair Into Afro Hair for Fall 2008

When the seasons change - so does our hair - depending on your naturally curly, coily, kinky, wavy or Afro hair type and/or the part of the world in which you live.

If you want that full, wavy look, you need to sleep in braids overnight but if you want a thicker, bigger look, you will need additional styling tools and should follow the entire set of steps.

Steps How to Make Straight Hair Into Afro Hair:

1. First grow your hair out.
2. Start with wet hair if possible. Comb hair up and outward so it gets body.
3. Braid your hair into six or eight sections.
4. Sleep in the braids overnight to get the best look.
5. Unbraid your hair when you get up in the morning. Bend over and tousle your hair with your fingers.
6. Divide each of the six or eight sections into four individual sections with a rat-toothed comb. Do this one section at a time.
7. With each of the four "mini" sections, backcomb(tease) your hair gently until you achieve your desired Afro, or at least wavy hair.

Tips How to Make Straight Hair Into Afro Hair

If your braid is more than a half inch thick, you need to section off your hair in smaller widths.
If you want the "cornrow look," you need to section off your hair into smaller sections and French braid them. If you choose to use products, try to use natural ones that won't damage your hair.Make sure hair completely dries before taking out braids.

If you are caucasian, asian, european, or non-native australian/new zealander take extra care with cornrows!! You do not have enough sebum coming out of your scalp to do it safely naturally, you need to smear grease (such as an oil or jojoba), and quite a bit, in order to be safe! If you do not, your cornrows will contract when you wet them while swimming, out in the rain, or bathing/showering. This can lead to severe skin irritation and in extremely rare cases your scalp tearing. Don't experiment with products you are unsure of.

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